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Cellular and physiological approaches to evaluate the chelating effect of Chlorella on metal ion stressed lymphocytes
Biometals ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10534-021-00285-1
Mahendra Yadav 1 , Ravi Soni 2 , Meenakshi Kanwar Chauhan 3 , Nidhi Sandal 1

Chlorella is a green alga consumed as dietary food supplement in pulverized form. In addition to its high nutritional value, it is reported as an excellent detoxifying agent. The pulverized Chlorella is partially soluble in water and insoluble portion has been reported for removal of mercury, cadmium and radioactive strontium from body. Chlorella contains a variety of metal-binding functional groups such as carboxyl, amino, phosphoryl, hydroxyl and carbonyl groups, which has high affinity towards various metal ions. The present study was envisaged to evaluate the chelating effect of water soluble fraction of Chlorella powder (AqCH) on metal ions. Fura-2 fluorescence ratio (F340/F380) was measured by fluorescence spectrometer (FS) after the exposure of chloride salt of metals viz., strontium, cobalt, barium, cesium, thallium and mercury to lymphocytes. Pretreatment of AqCH (0.1–20 mg mL−1) was given to evaluate the attenuating effect on fura-2 fluorescence ratio induced by metal ions. The intracellular levels of these metal ions were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and fluorescence microscopy (FM). Pretreatment with AqCH significantly attenuated the metal induced fluorescence ratio in dose-dependent manner. The results of AAS and FM were found in coherence with fura-2 fluorescence ratio which emphasized that AqCH significantly prevented the metal ions internalization. The present study suggests AqCH chelates with these metal ions and prevents its interaction with cells thereby reducing the intracellular mobilization of Ca2+.



小球藻是一种绿藻,以粉状形式作为膳食补充剂食用。除了其高营养价值外,据报道它是一种极好的解毒剂。粉碎的小球藻部分溶于水,据报道不溶部分可去除体内的汞、镉和放射性锶。小球藻含有多种与金属结合的官能团,如羧基、氨基、磷酰基、羟基和羰基,对各种金属离子具有高亲和力。本研究旨在评估小球藻水溶性部分的螯合效果金属离子上的粉末 (AqCH)。Fura-2 荧光比 (F340/F380) 是在金属的氯化物盐即锶、钴、钡、铯、铊和汞暴露于淋巴细胞后通过荧光光谱仪 (FS) 测量的。AqCH 的预处理 (0.1–20 mg mL -1) 用于评估金属离子诱导的 fura-2 荧光比的衰减效果。通过原子吸收分光光度计 (AAS) 和荧光显微镜 (FM) 分析这些金属离子的细胞内水平。用 AqCH 预处理以剂量依赖性方式显着减弱金属诱导的荧光比。发现 AAS 和 FM 的结果与 fura-2 荧光比一致,这强调了 AqCH 显着阻止了金属离子的内化。本研究表明 AqCH 与这些金属离子螯合并阻止其与细胞相互作用,从而降低 Ca 2+的细胞内动员。
