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Modeling social styles in macaque societies applied to a semi-free-ranging group of Macaca tonkeana
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s00265-021-02965-x
Ruth Dolado , Elisabet Gimeno , Hélène Meunier , Francesc S. Beltran


The covariation hypothesis (Thierry 2004) describes conflict management and variations in social structure observed in macaque societies and arranges these species in four dominance styles or grades ranging from egalitarian to despotic. Using an agent-based model (i.e., A-KinGDom), we obtained a set of measurements to quantitatively define the four social styles in captive or semi-free-ranging conditions. Results showed that intensity of aggression was an important parameter involved in the emergence of dominance styles and its level was critical to defining grade 2 (i.e., the second of the two despotic grades described in macaques). In our simulations, grade 2 only appeared using high-intensity aggression values that reflected the phylogenetic origin of despotic grades. Moreover, comparison between simulation results and the data obtained on a semi-free ranging group of Macaca tonkeana (classified as grade 4, or egalitarian) showed the presence of traits close to despotic societies (for example, an increase of gradient of hierarchy or a decrease of reconciliation behaviors). These results both support assigning grade 4 to this macaque species according to its phylogenetic origins and indicate the presence of intra-group variability in semi-free ranging groups of macaques, which in turn yields valuable information of their current social structure and facilitate the handling of these groups.

Significance statement

We have developed an agent-based model that drives the emergence of social styles in macaque societies. The results of our simulations suggest that social style in macaques is an emergent behavior and that agent-based models are a good tool for exploring emergent behaviors in silico. Moreover, these models can be used to assess hypotheses on social structure in macaque in semi-free-ranging conditions and report useful knowledge about specific techniques for group handling.




协变假说(Thierry 2004)描述了在猕猴社会中观察到的冲突管理和社会结构的变化,并将这些物种按照从平均主义到专制的四种主导样式或等级进行排列。使用基于代理的模型(即A-KinGDom),我们获得了一组测量值,以定量地定义在圈养或半自由放养条件下的四种社交风格。结果表明,侵略强度是主导风格出现的重要参数,其水平对于定义2级(即猕猴描述的两个专制等级中的第二个)至关重要。在我们的模拟中,仅使用反映专制等级的系统发生起源的高强度攻击值来显示2级。而且,猕猴(分类为4年级或平均主义)表明存在着与专制社会相近的特征(例如,等级制度的梯度增加或和解行为的减少)。这些结果都支持根据其猕猴的系统起源将等级4分配给该猕猴,并表明在半自由范围的猕猴中存在组内变异性,这反过来又产生了有关它们当前社会结构的有价值的信息,并促进了对猕猴的处理。这些团体。


