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Impacts of Highway Runoff on Metal Contamination Including Rare Earth Elements in a Small Urban Watershed: Case Study of Bordeaux Metropole (SW France)
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s00244-021-00816-4
Antoine Lerat-Hardy 1 , Alexandra Coynel 1 , Jörg Schäfer 1 , Antoine Marache 2 , Clément Pereto 1 , Cécile Bossy 1 , Marion-Justine Capdeville 3 , Damien Granger 3

High temporal resolution sampling of runoff (15 samples/4 h) and river water (24 samples/24 h) was performed during a major rainstorm (41 mm/4 h) in the Bordeaux Metropole, after a dry and high vehicle-density period. Runoff was sampled at the outlet of one collector draining Northern Bordeaux Highway (NBH; 80,000–93,000 vehicles/day) and river water in the downstream Jalle River. The studied metals, including priority and emergent (Rare Earth Elements [REEs]) contaminants, showed major temporal and spatial variations in the dissolved and particulate concentrations. Hierarchical cluster analyses distinguished metal groups, reflecting different: (i) sources (i.e., automotive traffic: Zn–Cu–Ce and wastewater treatment plant: Cd–Ag–Gd) and/or (ii) processes (i.e., groundwater dilution by rainwater and sorption processes). The contribution of the particulate fraction to total metal fluxes was predominant in the NBH collector (except for Sr and Mo) and highly variable in the Jalle River, where the highest particulate metal loads were due to the export of road dusts exported by the NBH collector. Metal fluxes from the NBH collector represented highly variable fractions of daily fluxes into the Gironde Estuary at the outlet of the Jalle River, depending on elements and partitioning. The resulting relative contributions ranged from: 5% (Sr) to 40% (Cu) for dissolved phases and 30% (As) to 88% (Cu) for particulate phases. The first 40 min of the event accounted for 65% of the suspended particulate matter flux (and associated particulate metals) exported by the NBH collector, whereas the respective water flux contribution was 35%. This finding clearly demonstrates the importance of monitoring the first minutes of rainy events when establishing mass balances in urban systems.



在经历了干燥和高车辆密度时期之后,在波尔多大都市的一场大暴雨(41 毫米/4 小时)期间,对径流(15 个样本/4 小时)和河水(24 个样本/24 小时)进行了高时间分辨率采样. 在北波尔多高速公路(NBH;每天 80,000-93,000 辆汽车)和下游 Jalle 河的河水中的一个收集器出口处对径流进行采样。研究的金属,包括优先和新兴(稀土元素 [REEs])污染物,在溶解和颗粒浓度方面表现出主要的时间和空间变化。分层聚类分析区分金属组,反映不同:(i)来源(即汽车交通:Zn-Cu-Ce 和废水处理厂:Cd-Ag-Gd)和/或(ii)过程(即雨水稀释地下水和吸附过程)。颗粒部分对总金属通量的贡献在 NBH 收集器(Sr 和 Mo 除外)中占主导地位,在 Jalle River 中变化很大,其中最高的颗粒金属负载是由于 NBH 收集器输出的道路灰尘的输出. 来自 NBH 收集器的金属通量代表了进入贾勒河出口吉伦特河口的每日通量的高度可变部分,具体取决于元素和分区。得到的相对贡献范围为:溶解相为 5% (Sr) 至 40% (Cu),颗粒相为 30% (As) 至 88% (Cu)。事件的前 40 分钟占 NBH 收集器输出的悬浮颗粒物通量(和相关颗粒金属)的 65%,而相应的水通量贡献为 35%。
