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The ground beneath their feet: building continuity at Neolithic Çukuriçi Höyük
Anatolian Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-29 , DOI: 10.1017/s0066154616000016
Maxime Brami , Barbara Horejs , Felix Ostmann

A Neolithic structure was rebuilt three times at Çukuriçi Höyük, on the central Anatolian Aegean coast, despite its unfavourable location on unsettled fill. We draw upon this seemingly incongruous case to make inference about the siting of buildings in Neolithic times. Through detailed cross-comparison with other sequences of vertically superimposed buildings in Anatolia and the Aegean region, we retrace the contours of a Neolithic practice aimed at maintaining occupation in one place. Over time, building continuity transformed into a strategy by some households to claim authority over a place and appropriate it for their own benefit. With regard to the location of Neolithic buildings, we conclude that choices about location dominated over practical considerations. Once a commitment to place was made, there was no turning back, even when this meant living in an unstable house that needed to be rebuilt repeatedly.


他们脚下的土地:在新石器时代的 Çukuriçi Höyük 建立连续性

一座新石器时代的建筑在安纳托利亚爱琴海中部海岸的 Çukuriçi Höyük 被重建了 3 次,尽管它位于不稳定的填充物上的不利位置。我们利用这个看似不协调的案例来推断新石器时代建筑物的选址。通过与安纳托利亚和爱琴海地区的其他垂直叠加建筑序列进行详细的交叉比较,我们追溯了新石器时代旨在将占领保持在一个地方的做法的轮廓。随着时间的推移,一些家庭将建筑连续性转变为一种策略,要求对一个地方拥有权威并为了自己的利益而挪用它。关于新石器时代建筑的选址,我们得出结论,选址优先于实际考虑。一旦做出了对地方的承诺,就没有回头路,