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Rome and the Tzani in late antiquity: a historical and archaeological review
Anatolian Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-06 , DOI: 10.1017/s0066154618000091
Emanuele E. Intagliata

Compared to other stretches of the eastern frontier, northeastern Anatolia has rarely attracted the attention of scholars of the Roman and late antique periods. The region is known, through late antique written sources, to have housed a belligerent confederation of tribes, the Tzani, who lived off raids conducted against their neighbours. Until the fifth century AD, the Roman approach to the Tzanic problem was one of quiet co-existence, but, in the early sixth century AD, after war broke out again with Persia, necessity moved the emperor Justinian (r. AD 527–565) to intervene more actively against the Tzani. According to the sixth-century historian Procopius, the Tzani were subdued and a chain of forts was constructed in their lands to protect access to the Black Sea coast. The remains of these forts, as well as those of other sixth-century AD infrastructure allegedly built under Justinian, are still elusive. Nonetheless, evidence on the ground and in the written sources can still help investigate the nature of the Justinianic frontier defensive system.



与东部边境的其他地区相比,安纳托利亚东北部很少引起罗马和古代晚期学者的注意。通过晚期的古代书面资料,该地区已知有一个好战的部落联盟 Tzani,他们靠对邻国进行的袭击为生。直到公元 5 世纪,罗马人对 Tzanic 问题的态度是一种安静的共存方式,但是,在公元 6 世纪初期,在与波斯再次爆发战争后,必要性使查士丁尼皇帝(公元 527-565 年在位) ) 更积极地干预反对 Tzani。根据六世纪历史学家普罗科皮乌斯的说法,查尼人被制服了,并在他们的土地上建造了一系列堡垒以保护通往黑海沿岸的通道。这些堡垒的遗迹,以及据称在查士丁尼统治下建造的其他公元六世纪的基础设施,仍然难以捉摸。尽管如此,实地证据和书面资料仍有助于调查查士丁尼边境防御系统的性质。