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Neutron activation analysis of Aegean-style IIIC pottery from the Goldman excavations at Tarsus-Gözlükule
Anatolian Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0066154618000030
P.A. Mountjoy , H. Mommsen , A. Özyar

The appearance of Aegean-style IIIC pottery at Tarsus occured at a time of unrest and of movement of peoples resulting in part from the collapse of the Mycenaean palaces on the Greek mainland. Mycenaean Late Helladic IIIB pottery exports from mainland Greece to Cyprus and the Levant disappeared and were gradually replaced by local imitations. Eventually Aegean-style IIIC pottery appeared in the East Aegean-West Anatolian Interface, in Cyprus and at various sites on the southern coast of Turkey and in the Levant. It was not exported from the Greek mainland, but seems to have been locally made at each site. A first series of neutron activation analysis (NAA) was carried out on pottery from Tarsus to determine how much of the Aegean-style 12th-century BC pottery was locally produced, how much was imported and, if imported, from whence it came. The favourable results of this first analysis gave rise to a second NAA of more Aegean-style pottery from Tarsus, bringing the total number of pieces analysed to 67. It has confirmed the local production of the pottery; the chemical group TarA is the dominant local group at Tarsus, comprising a third of the samples. A smaller group, TarB, may also be local. The analysis revealed a large number of Aegean-style IIIC imports from Cyprus from several different sites; these make up a quarter of the samples. There are a few imports from other areas, including the East Aegean-West Anatolian Interface. Influence from both Cyprus and the Interface can also be seen at Tarsus in the use of some shapes and motifs. A comparison with 12th-century BC imports identified by NAA at the site of Tell Kazel (ancient Simyra) in Syria directly east of Cyprus shows imports from the same two areas.


高盛在 Tarsus-Gözlükule 发掘的爱琴海风格 IIIC 陶器的中子活化分析

爱琴海风格的 IIIC 陶器在塔尔苏斯的出现发生在动荡和人民流动的时期,部分原因是希腊大陆上迈锡尼宫殿的倒塌。从希腊大陆向塞浦路斯和黎凡特出口的迈锡尼晚期希腊 IIIB 陶器消失了,逐渐被当地的仿制品所取代。最终,爱琴海风格的 IIIC 陶器出现在东爱琴海-西安纳托利亚界面、塞浦路斯以及土耳其南部海岸和黎凡特的各个地点。它不是从希腊大陆出口的,但似乎是在每个地点本地制造的。对来自 Tarsus 的陶器进行了第一系列的中子活化分析 (NAA),以确定有多少爱琴海风格的公元前 12 世纪陶器是当地生产的,有多少是进口的,如果是进口的,它是从哪里来的。第一次分析的有利结果产生了来自塔尔苏斯的更多爱琴海风格陶器的第二次 NAA,使分析的总件数达到 67 件。它证实了陶器的本地生产;化学组 TarA 是 Tarsus 的主要本地组,占样本的三分之一。一个较小的组 TarB 也可能是本地的。分析显示,从几个不同地点从塞浦路斯进口了大量爱琴海风格的 IIIC;这些占样本的四分之一。有一些来自其他地区的进口,包括东爱琴海-西安纳托利亚界面。来自塞浦路斯和界面的影响也可以在塔苏斯看到一些形状和图案的使用。