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A new Republican temple on the via Appia, at the borders of Rome's urban space
Journal of Roman Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-31 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759400072160
Rachele Dubbini

On May 27, 1970, during construction of the Caffarella sewer system which was to serve new districts in the sprawling suburbs of Rome, the Municipality of Rome alerted the Soprintendenza to the discovery of some ancient structures near the via Appia.The area affected by the passage of the sewer system lies just beyond the Almo river, between the Appia's first and second mile, in a place where, at the end of the 19th c., P. Cartoni built a rather large barn for his estate (vigna). On the W side of the road, excavators discovered a concrete pedestal reveted with tuff blocks that was interpreted as the foundation of a sepulchral monument, the ruderatio of the via Appia, and a secondary paved road leading southeast, as published by L. Spera (see fig. 1, trench A). However, the excavations on the E side of the via Appia have never been published. The aim of this paper is to describe and interpret the remarkable discovery. My examination of documentation stored in the archives of the Soprintendenza identified photographs and sketches of the 1970 excavation, providing evidence for the existence of a Republican-era monumental architectural complex situated behind the barn of Vigna Cartoni. Since it was impossible unfortunately to locate any written reports, the research was based mostly on illustrations and administrative documents, but a fairly accurate history of the excavation could be reconstructed based on the latter.



1970 年 5 月 27 日,在为罗马广阔郊区的新区服务的 Caffarella 下水道系统建设期间,罗马市政府向 Soprintendenza 发出警报,注意在附近发现了一些古建筑。通过阿皮亚. 受下水道系统影响的区域位于阿尔莫河之外,介于阿皮亚的第一英里和第二英里,在一个地方,在 19 世纪末,P. Cartoni 为他的庄园建造了一个相当大的谷仓(维尼亚)。在道路的 W 侧,挖掘机发现了一个混凝土基座,上面覆盖着凝灰岩块,被解释为墓碑的基础,粗鲁比通过阿皮亚,以及一条通往东南的二级铺面道路,由 L. Spera 发表(见图 1,沟槽 A)。然而,在 E 侧的挖掘通过阿皮亚从未发表过。本文的目的是描述和解释这一非凡的发现。我对存储在 Soprintendenza 档案中的文件进行了检查,发现了 1970 年挖掘的照片和草图,为位于 Vigna Cartoni 谷仓后面的共和时代纪念性建筑群的存在提供了证据。由于无法找到任何书面报告,因此研究主要基于插图和行政文件,但可以根据后者重建相当准确的挖掘历史。