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Stable Isotope Palaeodietary and Radiocarbon Evidence from the Early Neolithic Site of Zemunica, Dalmatia, Croatia
European Journal of Archaeology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-10 , DOI: 10.1017/eaa.2016.24
Eric Guiry , Ivor Karavanić , Rajna Šošić Klindžić , Sahra Talamo , Siniša Radović , Michael P. Richards

The Adriatic Sea and Balkan Peninsula were an important corridor for the spread of agriculture northwards and westwards from the Near East into Europe. Therefore, the pace and nature of the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition along the Adriatic coastline has important implications for the movement of new peoples and/or ideas during one of the most eventful periods in European prehistory. We present new Early Neolithic radiocarbon and stable isotope evidence from humans and animals from the Zemunica cave site in Dalmatia, Croatia. The results show that these humans date to the earliest Neolithic in the region, and they have completely terrestrial diets, where the main protein source was most likely to have come from domesticated animals. Data are then compared to previous isotope and archaeological evidence to explore models for the spread of agriculture along the eastern Adriatic coast.


克罗地亚达尔马提亚 Zemunica 新石器时代早期遗址的稳定同位素古饮食和放射性碳证据

亚得里亚海和巴尔干半岛是农业从近东向北和向西传播到欧洲的重要走廊。因此,沿亚得里亚海海岸线的中石器时代-新石器时代过渡的速度和性质对于欧洲史前最多事的时期之一的新民族和/或新思想的迁移具有重要意义。我们提供了来自克罗地亚达尔马提亚 Zemunica 洞穴遗址的人和动物的新的新石器时代早期放射性碳和稳定同位素证据。结果表明,这些人类可以追溯到该地区最早的新石器时代,他们的饮食完全来自陆地,主要蛋白质来源很可能来自驯养动物。