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The Law of Sacrifice
Religion and the Arts ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-10 , DOI: 10.1163/15685292-02204002
Ralph Norman 1

When placing Hopkins in the divisive and impassioned religious and academic world of mid-Victorian Oxford, scholars have frequently drawn attention to those University tutors and senior churchmen who in different ways influenced his mental and religious development: Benjamin Jowett, Walter Pater, Henry Parry Liddon, and (more distantly, from Birmingham) John Henry Newman. In comparison, relatively little attention has been paid to Hopkins’s own undergraduate friends and contemporaries at Balliol College, or to the question of how other young men responded to the same set of religious circumstances and intellectual influences. In this study Henry Scott Holland (1847–1918) is selected to illustrate discernible Anglican parallels to particular aspects of Hopkins’s literary style and religious faith. Examining the ways Holland’s Anglicanism resembles, engages, contests, and shadows the early spirituality of Hopkins throws useful light on their overlapping academic and religious contexts. Particular attention is paid to examples of shared vocabulary, to themes from Holland’s published sermons and religious writings, which correlate to elements of Hopkins’s work, and especially to Holland’s vision of a kenotic “law of sacrifice” set in the life of the Holy Trinity. Key works such as Holland’s Logic and Life (1882) and the influential volume of Anglican essays Lux Mundi: A Series of Studies in the Religion of the Incarnation (1889) are utilized to inform a new perspective on Hopkins’s sermons and devotional writings.



当将霍普金斯置于维多利亚时代牛津中期分裂而充满激情的宗教和学术世界中时,学者们经常提请注意那些以不同方式影响他的思想和宗教发展的大学导师和高级教会牧师:本杰明·乔维特,沃尔特·帕特,亨利·帕里·利登,以及(距离伯明翰更远的地方)约翰·亨利·纽曼。相比之下,对霍普金斯大学自己的本科朋友和巴利奥尔学院的同时代,或者其他年轻人如何对相同的宗教环境和智力影响做出回应的问题,却鲜有关注。在这项研究中,亨利·斯科特·霍兰德(Henry Scott Holland)(1847–1918)被选中来说明可辨的英国国教徒与霍普金斯文学风格和宗教信仰的特定方面的相似之处。研究荷兰圣公会的方式,参与,竞赛和阴影霍普金斯的早期灵性为其重叠的学术和宗教背景提供了有益的启示。特别要注意共享词汇的例子,荷兰出版的讲道和宗教著作的主题,这些主题与霍普金斯著作的要素有关,特别是与荷兰对圣三位一体生活中的狂热的“牺牲法则”的看法有关。诸如荷兰的《逻辑与生活》(1882年)和圣公会论文《鲁克斯·蒙迪:有力的化身的宗教研究系列》(1889年)等有影响力的著作被用来为霍普金斯的布道和灵修​​著作提供新的视角。特别要注意共享词汇的例子,荷兰出版的讲道和宗教著作的主题,这些主题与霍普金斯著作的要素有关,特别是与荷兰对圣三位一体生活中的狂热的“牺牲法则”的看法有关。诸如荷兰的《逻辑与生活》(1882年)和圣公会论文《鲁克斯·蒙迪:有力的化身的宗教研究系列》(1889年)等有影响力的著作被用来为霍普金斯的布道和灵修​​著作提供新的视角。特别要注意共享词汇的例子,荷兰出版的讲道和宗教著作的主题,这些主题与霍普金斯著作的要素有关,特别是与荷兰对圣三位一体生活中的狂热的“牺牲法则”的看法有关。诸如荷兰的《逻辑与生活》(1882年)和圣公会论文《力士·蒙迪:化身的宗教研究丛书》(1889年)等颇具影响力的著作被用来为霍普金斯的布道和灵修​​著作提供新的视角。