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“The same blinding void as before”: Irish Neutrality in Samuel Beckett’s nouvelles
Arcadia ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-30 , DOI: 10.1515/arcadia-2017-0022
José Francisco Fernández

Abstract When the Second World War ended, Samuel Beckett returned to his flat in Paris and set about writing. The experiences that he had gone through during the conflict (his subversive activities with the Resistance, his two-year period of hiding in Roussillon, his first-hand knowledge of the human cost of war as a hospital attendant in Saint-Lô) found their tortuous expression in the literary production that ensued. The Irish government’s official status as neutral over the previous five years was also a matter of concern for the exiled intellectual in Paris, and his opinions on this matter can be gleaned from a close reading of his nouvelles, particularly “The Calmative,” a narrative in which the blinding lights of the city of Dublin stand out as a disturbing element that demands an interpretation.



摘要 二战结束后,塞缪尔·贝克特回到他在巴黎的公寓开始写作。他在冲突期间的经历(他与抵抗军的颠覆活动、他在鲁西永躲藏的两年时间、他作为圣洛医院服务员对战争造成的人类代价的第一手了解)在随后的文学作品中曲折地表达。爱尔兰政府在过去五年的官方中立地位也是巴黎流亡知识分子关注的问题,他对此事的看法可以从他的新作,特别是《平静》的细读中获得。其中,都柏林市令人眼花缭乱的灯光作为一个令人不安的元素脱颖而出,需要解释。