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Histoire et paysages dans quelques écritures de terrain contemporaines : Jean-Christophe Bailly, François Bon, Patrick Deville et Marie Richeux
Arcadia ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-07 , DOI: 10.1515/arcadia-2019-0018
Isabelle Bernard

Abstract This article reviews four works representative of current field writings and attempts to define their major characteristics. First it proposes to encircle in Paysage fer (2000) by François Bon, The Change of scenery. Travels in France (2011) by Jean-Christophe Bailly, Taba-Taba (2017) by Patrick Deville, and Climats de France (2017) by Marie Richeux a common modus operandi; then it identifies in these hybrid works a singular and original writing of the ego, made of biographical and autobiographical fragments, and finally, taking into account the contributions of geocritics, it suggests the viability of ‘egogeographies,’ kinds of own landscapes to each author that a content both testimonial and patrimonial impregnates strongly.


Histoire et paysages dans quelques écritures de Landscape contemporaines : Jean-Christophe Bailly, François Bon, Patrick Deville et Marie Richeux

摘要 本文回顾了代表当前田野著作的四部作品,并试图界定它们的主要特征。首先,它建议包围弗朗索瓦·邦 (François Bon) 的 Paysage fer (2000),《风景的变化》。让-克里斯托夫·拜伊 (Jean-Christophe Bailly) 的 Travels in France (2011)、Patrick Deville 的 Taba-Taba (2017) 和 Marie Richeux 的 Climats de France (2017) 是一种常见的作案手法;然后它在这些混合作品中确定了自我的单一和原创作品,由传记和自传片段组成,最后,考虑到地理批评家的贡献,它向每个作者暗示了“自我地理学”的可行性,即各种自己的风景证明和遗产的内容都具有很强的渗透性。