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Trials of Curiosity: Flaubert’s La Tentation de saint Antoine and Bouvard et Pécuchet
Arcadia ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-31 , DOI: 10.1515/arcadia-2019-0002
Robert Buch

Abstract Flaubert regarded his last two novels, La Tentation de saint Antoine and the unfinished Bouvard et Pécuchet, as companion pieces. For all their obvious differences in terms of setting and generic models, certain similarities have struck readers, not least the way in which both works depart from the parameters of the writer’s influential poetics. Among the most prominent similarities are an unmistakable and at times tiresome repetitiveness and the overwhelming encyclopedic scope of the scientific knowledge and disciplines informing both works. The essay charts the different generic lineages that make for the difficulty in situating Flaubert’s late work to then discuss a theme that is often overlooked: curiositas. Hans Blumenberg’s magisterial history of curiosity, Der Prozeß der theoretischen Neugierde, allows us to account for the peculiar mix of science and religion, gnostic and scientific curiosity, in La Tentation, while the philosopher’s short study Das Lachen der Thrakerin, an extension of the curiosity book, casts a new light on the ambivalent status of libido sciendi in Bouvard et Pécuchet.



摘要 福楼拜将他的最后两部小说《圣安托万的帐篷》和未完成的《布瓦与佩库谢》视为配套作品。尽管它们在设置和一般模型方面存在明显差异,但某些相似之处却让读者感到震惊,尤其是两部作品都偏离了作者有影响力的诗学参数的方式。其中最突出的相似之处是明确无误且有时令人厌烦的重复性以及为两部作品提供信息的科学知识和学科的压倒性百科全书范围。这篇文章描绘了导致难以定位福楼拜晚期作品的不同一般谱系,然后讨论一个经常被忽视的主题:好奇心。汉斯·布鲁门伯格的好奇心的权威史,理论好奇心的过程,