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Most American: Notes from a Wounded Place by Rilla Askew
Western American Literature ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/wal.2018.0050
Lindsey Claire Smith

263 carpentering, or any other such skill” (71). Gradually, Haycox began to depart from the Western genre formulas he honed in the pulps, perhaps most notably in his 1944 historical novel about the Battle of Little Big Horn, Bugles in the Afternoon. He would continue this focus on history, instead of formula, with the posthumously published Th e Earthbreakers in 1952. In this novel, Etulain sees evidence of a broader conception of novelistic form, a more complex representation of character, and a nuanced engagement with history. Unfortunately, Haycox would not complete the trilogy that Th e Earthbreakers was supposed to begin. Ernest Haycox and the Western portrays the life of a working Western writer, devoted to craft and the market yet not without literary ambitions. In the book’s epilogue, Etulain refl ects on Haycox’s place, or lack thereof, in the canon of Western American literature and whether we should think of Haycox among genre writers like Max Brand, Zane Grey, and Louis L’Amour or among more “literary” fi gures such as Walter Van Tilburg Clark, Larry McMurtry, and Wallace Stegner. It is a strength of Etulain’s book that he makes the case for thinking of Haycox as a bridge between these two camps and as evidence that the distinctions between pulp fi ction and literary fi ction are more porous than scholars often assume. Daniel Worden Rochester Institute of Technology


最美国人:来自受伤地方的笔记 Rilla Askew

263 木工或任何其他此类技能”(71)。渐渐地,海考克斯开始脱离他在纸浆中磨练出来的西方体裁公式,也许最引人注目的是他 1944 年关于小大角之战的历史小说,午后的号角。在 1952 年死后出版的 The Earthbreakers 中,他将继续关注历史,而不是公式。在这部小说中,Etulain 看到了更广泛的小说形式概念、更复杂的人物表现以及对历史的微妙参与的证据. 不幸的是,海考克斯没有完成《破地者》原本应该开始的三部曲。Ernest Haycox and the Western 描绘了一位在职的西方作家的生活,他致力于手工艺和市场,但并非没有文学抱负。在这本书的结语中,埃图兰反思了海考克斯的位置,或者说没有,在美国西部文学的经典中,我们是否应该在 Max Brand、Zane Grey 和 Louis L'Amour 等体裁作家中想到 Haycox,或者在 Walter Van Tilburg Clark、Larry McMurtry 和 Wallace Stegner 等更“文学”的人物中想到 Haycox . Etulain 的书的一个优势在于,他将 Haycox 视为这两个阵营之间的桥梁,并作为证据证明低俗小说和文学小说之间的区别比学者们通常认为的要多得多。丹尼尔沃登罗彻斯特理工学院 Etulain 的书的一个优势在于,他将 Haycox 视为这两个阵营之间的桥梁,并作为证据证明低俗小说和文学小说之间的区别比学者们通常认为的要多得多。丹尼尔沃登罗彻斯特理工学院 Etulain 的书的一个优势在于,他将 Haycox 视为这两个阵营之间的桥梁,并作为证据证明低俗小说和文学小说之间的区别比学者们通常认为的要多得多。丹尼尔沃登罗彻斯特理工学院