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Resurrection after the “Blue Death”: Literature, Politics, and Ecological Redemption at Glen Canyon
Western American Literature ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/wal.2016.0025
Laura Smith

Th e blue death, Smith called it. Like Hayduke his heart was full of a healthy hatred. Because Smith remembered something diff erent. He remembered the golden river fl owing to the sea. He remembered canyons called Hidden Passage and Salvation and Last Chance and Forbidden and Twilight and many many more, some that never had a name. He remembered the strange great amphitheaters called Music Temple and Cathedral in the Desert. All these things now lay beneath the dead water of the reservoir, slowly disappearing under layers of descending silt. How could he forget? He had seen too much. —Ed Abbey, Th e Monkey Wrench Gang


