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Echevarria by Gretchen Skivington
Western American Literature ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/wal.2019.0029
Hank Nuwer

96 varying degrees of authenticity. Branch makes his narrator a strict inquisitor who fl ushes out the phoniest of the fake John Muirs. If you do not know which to prefer, the erudite storyteller with the massive vocabulary, or the good old boy who confesses he’s a gearhead, you need not choose between the two. In “What Would Edward Abbey Do?” you may enjoy lascivious details about the myth of Sisyphus, luxuriate in the philosophy of Carl Sandburg, and hang with friends on a corral fence to watch a donkey spook itself by farting. On that fence, leaning and loafi ng at ease “on a sunny day with a sixpack,” Branch writes, “you will discover the true meaning of the term ‘quality entertainment’” (70). Paul Lindholdt Eastern Washington University



96 不同程度的真实性。布兰奇让他的叙述者成为一名严格的调查官,他会驱逐最假的约翰缪尔斯。如果你不知道更喜欢哪一个,是博学多才、词汇量大的讲故事的人,还是承认自己是齿轮的好老男孩,你不必在两者之间做出选择。在“爱德华修道院会做什么?” 您可以享受有关西西弗斯神话的淫荡细节,沉迷于卡尔·桑德堡的哲学,并与朋友一起在围栏上观看驴放屁来吓自己。在那个栅栏上,“在阳光明媚的日子里,带着六包,”你会发现'优质娱乐'这个词的真正含义”(70)。保罗林德霍尔特东华盛顿大学