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The Horn of Africa and Italy: Colonial, Postcolonial and Transnational Encounters, edited by Simone Brioni and Shimelis Bonsa Gulema, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2018, xiv + 326 pp., €59.30 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-78707-993-9
Modern Italy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-30 , DOI: 10.1017/mit.2020.32
Nicola Camilleri

Italian anthropology – and the philologist Giovenale Vegezzi-Ruscalla. Nicolucci’s inclusion of the ‘Semites’ into the Aryan ‘race’ still requires further investigation, and one could hypothesise that the ‘Aryanisation’ of Hebrews by Jewish scholars like Cesare Lombroso and Graziadio Ascoli might reflect some relevant (but as-yet unexplored) developments in early Italian anthropology rather than a mere attempt to counter anti-Semitism (pp. 195–199). Overall, early nineteenthcentury Italian racialism still deserves further scrutiny if we think that even a classicist like Vincenzo Cuoco argued for a Eurasian ethnogenesis of the Italians. Lastly, one may contend that nineteenth-century Orientalism provided the ‘intellectual foundation’ of Fascist and Nazi institutional racisms (p. 296). On the other hand, the thesis according to which these dictatorships can be seen as the ‘fulfilment’ of the racist ‘potential’ of Franz Bopp’s Orientalism is debatable since there is no evidence that the Shoah was the foregone conclusion of early nineteenth-century Indology (p. 295). Rather, it appears more convincing, as De Donno himself suggests, to ascribe the turn toward full-fledged institutional racism to Fascism’s desire for national ‘regeneration’ and supremacy (p. 323). Despite these shortcomings, De Donno’s book is a well-crafted and solid study on the emergence of a phenomenon that has been overlooked by recent historiography. Due to the relevance of its topic and the cohesiveness of its argument, Italian Orientalism is a must-read for every scholar interested in the history of the close relationship between culture and nationalism in modern Italy.


非洲之角和意大利:殖民、后殖民和跨国遭遇,由 Simone Brioni 和 Shimelis Bonsa Gulema 编辑,牛津,Peter Lang,2018 年,xiv + 326 页,59.30 欧元(平装本),ISBN 978-1-78707-993 -9

意大利人类学——以及语言学家 Giovenale Vegezzi-Ruscalla。Nicolucci 将“闪米特人”纳入雅利安“种族”仍需要进一步调查,人们可以假设,像 Cesare Lombroso 和 Graziadio Ascoli 等犹太学者对希伯来人的“雅利安化”可能反映了一些相关(但尚未探索)的发展在早期的意大利人类学中,而不仅仅是反犹太主义的尝试(第 195-199 页)。总的来说,如果我们认为即使是像文森佐·库科这样的古典主义者也支持意大利人的欧亚民族起源,那么 19 世纪早期的意大利种族主义仍然值得进一步审查。最后,有人可能会争辩说,19 世纪的东方主义为法西斯主义和纳粹制度种族主义提供了“思想基础”(第 296 页)。另一方面,根据这些独裁统治可以被视为弗朗茨·波普东方主义的种族主义“潜力”的“实现”的论点是有争议的,因为没有证据表明大屠杀是 19 世纪早期印度学的定论(第 295 页) . 相反,正如德唐诺本人所暗示的那样,将向成熟的制度性种族主义的转变归因于法西斯主义对民族“再生”和至高无上的渴望,似乎更有说服力(第 323 页)。尽管有这些缺点,德唐诺的书是对一种被近代史学忽视的现象的出现的精心制作和扎实的研究。由于其主题的相关性和论点的连贯性,意大利东方主义是每位对现代意大利文化与民族主义之间密切关系历史感兴趣的学者的必读之作。