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Expectations of Darkness: The “Blind Poet” P. B. Marston
Victorian Poetry ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/vp.2017.0012
Jordan Kistler

If Philip Bourke Marston (1850–1887) is remembered at all today, he is remembered as a “blind poet”, a protege of Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the later Pre-Raphaelite movement.1 This essay demonstrates that in his first volume of poetry, published in 1871, Marston actually fought to establish a poetic identity for himself that was distinct from his visual impairment. A consideration of the nineteenth-century pressures to “pass” as able-bodied or to “perform” his disability, pressures that I show to be compounded by Victorian ideals of post-Romantic poetic identity, demonstrates Marston’s engagement with contemporary debates over the role and remit of the poet.


对黑暗的期待:“盲人诗人”PB 马斯顿

如果今天人们还记得菲利普·伯克·马斯顿 (1850-1887),那么他是一位“盲人诗人”,是后来拉斐尔前派运动中但丁·加布里埃尔·罗塞蒂 (Dante Gabriel Rossetti) 的门徒。出版于 1871 年,马斯顿实际上努力为自己建立一个不同于他的视力障碍的诗意身份。考虑到 19 世纪“通过”身体健全或“表现”他的残疾的压力,我表明这些压力被维多利亚时代的后浪漫主义诗歌身份理想所加剧,表明马斯顿参与了当代关于角色的辩论和诗人的职权。