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Hopkins's Notebooks and Microsocial Form
Victorian Literature and Culture ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-21 , DOI: 10.1017/s1060150319000160
Simon Reader

This article proposes a way of linking textual form and the social world. The forms in question are the notebooks of Gerard Manley Hopkins, specifically those he kept between 1866 and 1875, a period that begins with his conversion to Catholicism, initiation into Jesuit training, and rejection of poetry. These five notebooks (A1–A5) have struck some readers as intensely asocial. Their creator was famously resistant to circulation and readership, on one hand (“Please not to read,” he inscribes on the inside front cover of the first), and more concerned with natural than human phenomena, on the other. I show instead that the notebooks project networks of relation between humans, objects, and the natural world. My hope is that what follows will refresh some of the ways we think about and navigate online social forms in the twenty-first century.



本文提出了一种将文本形式与社会世界联系起来的方法。有问题的表格是杰拉德·曼利·霍普金斯 (Gerard Manley Hopkins) 的笔记本,特别是他在 1866 年至 1875 年间保存的笔记本,这段时期始于他皈依天主教、开始接受耶稣会训练和拒绝诗歌。这五本笔记本(A1-A5)同样给一些读者留下了深刻的印象反社会的. 一方面,他们的创作者以抵制流通和读者群着称(“请不要阅读,”他在第一本封面的内页上写道),另一方面,他更关注自然现象而不是人类现象。相反,我展示了笔记本投影了人类、物体和自然世界之间的关系网络。我希望接下来的内容将刷新我们在 21 世纪思考和浏览在线社交形式的一些方式。