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The Unsuitability of “Unsubstitutability” in Theological Anthropology
Theology Today Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0040573620902414
Joshua R. Farris 1

When we wait for a significant other, it is not as if we are waiting for someone who looks like her, talks like her, or even walks like her. Instead, what we want is her. And, the same goes for the afterlife: if there is an afterlife, we long to see our loved ones. Not those who look like our loved ones, who sound like them, or even smell like them, but we actually want them. In the study of human nature, this is, arguably, one of the modern insights on humanity. The question of the “particularity” of human beings matters. In technical philosophical studies, the question of “particularity” is a question of thisness (i.e., the fact that objects are countable as discrete in virtue of some property or feature that makes an object what it is). What makes one person this person rather than that person? By showing how the concept of thisness is important in modern and contemporary theology, I will argue for a specific view as that which accurately captures both the historical consensus and the modern emphasis of personhood.



当我们等待一个重要的人时,并不是在等待一个长得像她、说话像她,甚至走路像她的人。相反,我们想要的是她。而且,来世也是如此:如果有来世,我们渴望见到我们所爱的人。不是那些看起来像我们所爱的人、听起来像他们、甚至闻起来像他们的人,而是我们真的想要他们。在对人性的研究中,这可以说是对人性的现代见解之一。人类的“特殊性”问题很重要。在技​​术哲学研究中,“特殊性”问题是一个thisness 问题(即,由于某些属性或特征使对象成为现实,因此对象可算作离散的事实)。是什么让一个人成为这个人而不是那个人?通过展示 thisness 的概念在现代和当代神学中的重要性,我将主张一种特定的观点,即准确地捕捉历史共识和现代人对人格的强调。