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Loop, Hook, Pull
Theology Today ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0040573620920673
Raedorah C. Stewart 1

As a disabled person, Psalm 139:13–14 has long presented as theologically problematic for me. How could “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” fall as praise from my lips when as young as six years old I realized I was differently abled; and that with all of the shameful, negative connotations assumed with being so. The theological narrative about disability centered on sins of the mother, shame of the family, pity of the public, and sympathetically low expectations for achieving, excelling, and fitting into mainstream ableism. This article weaves biographical vignettes and theological reflections to develop a liberation hermeneutic for creating a narrative theology of disability in the church; challenges commonly held perceptions about disabled personhood; examines familiar efforts to enhance the worship experience for disabled persons; admonishes practices which inconvenience or otherwise undermine a disabled parishioner; and examines the efficacy of ministry accommodations to equip disabled persons to worship, serve, and lead in the church.



作为一个残疾人,诗篇 139:13-14 长期以来一直是我神学上的问题。怎么可能“因为你形成了我的内在部分;你在我母亲的子宫里把我编织在一起。我赞美你,因为我受造奇妙可畏。你的作品奇妙;我的灵魂很清楚这一点”当我六岁的时候意识到自己的能力不同时,我嘴里发出了赞美;并且带有所有可耻的负面含义。关于残疾的神学叙事集中在母亲的罪孽、家庭的耻辱、公众的怜悯以及对实现、超越和融入主流残疾主义的低期望值上。这篇文章编织了传记小插曲和神学反思,以发展一种解放解释学,以在教会中创造一种叙述性的残疾神学;对残疾人普遍持有的看法的挑战;检查熟悉的努力,以增强残疾人的崇拜体验;告诫给残疾教友带来不便或以其他方式损害其利益的做法;并检查事工住宿在装备残疾人去敬拜、服侍和带领教会方面的功效。