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From Depression and Decline to Repentance and Transformation
Theology Today ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0040573620924558
Erin Raffety 1

This past semester I taught a course called “The Church in Transition,” ministry in the context of the decline of mainline churches, closures, mergers, financial instability, and alternative ministries. There is, understandably, much hand-wringing in theological institutions today about the decline in Christian congregational affiliation, which has issued a passionate and sometimes desperate call not only for new models of ministry, but for new models of Christian leadership. Many pastors and Christian leaders are searching for flexible and adaptable paradigms of leadership that can accept, embrace, and, most especially, anticipate change in congregational ministry contexts. This reveals not only a willingness to adapt on the part of church leaders, but a conviction that prior paradigms of leadership and training were molded and wedded to a concept of congregational ministry that is now outdated and obsolete. “What do pastoral leaders look like in a post-Christendom world?” many of us are asking, and especially theological educators are asking, “How can we train them up?” These conversations about religious decline tend to ask existing leaders to reinvent the molds for leadership and ministry. In so doing, they fail to recognize that the most needed conversation partners for such transformation may not even be at the table. My way of answering this question about leadership and training has been to look ethnographically at the people in churches for whom leadership has



上学期我教了一门名为“转型中的教会”的课程,这是在主流教会衰落、关闭、合并、金融不稳定和替代事工的背景下进行的事工。可以理解的是,今天的神学机构对基督教会众从属关系的下降感到非常担忧,这不仅发出了一种热情的、有时甚至是绝望的呼吁,不仅需要新的事工模式,而且还需要新的基督教领导模式。许多牧师和基督教领袖正在寻找灵活和适应性强的领导范式,能够接受、拥抱,尤其是能够预见会众事工环境的变化。这不仅表明教会领袖愿意适应,但是,一种信念是,先前的领导和培训范式是被塑造并与现在已经过时和过时的会众事工概念结合在一起的。“在后基督教世界的世界里,牧灵领袖是什么样的?” 我们中的许多人都在问,尤其是神学教育者在问:“我们如何训练他们?” 这些关于宗教衰落的对话往往要求现有领导人重塑领导和事工的模式。这样做时,他们没有意识到这种转型最需要的对话伙伴甚至可能不在谈判桌旁。我回答这个关于领导力和培训的问题的方法是从民族志上观察教会中领导力所针对的人 “在后基督教世界的世界里,牧灵领袖是什么样的?” 我们中的许多人都在问,尤其是神学教育者在问:“我们如何训练他们?” 这些关于宗教衰落的对话往往要求现有领导人重塑领导和事工的模式。这样做时,他们没有意识到这种转型最需要的对话伙伴甚至可能不在谈判桌旁。我回答这个关于领导力和培训的问题的方法是从民族志上观察教会中领导力所针对的人 “在后基督教世界的世界里,牧灵领袖是什么样的?” 我们中的许多人都在问,尤其是神学教育者在问:“我们如何训练他们?” 这些关于宗教衰落的对话往往要求现有领导人重塑领导和事工的模式。这样做时,他们没有意识到这种转型最需要的对话伙伴甚至可能不在谈判桌旁。我回答这个关于领导力和培训的问题的方法是从民族志上观察教会中领导力所针对的人 他们没有意识到这种转型最需要的对话伙伴甚至可能不在谈判桌旁。我回答这个关于领导力和培训的问题的方法是从民族志上观察教会中领导力所针对的人 他们没有意识到这种转型最需要的对话伙伴甚至可能不在谈判桌旁。我回答这个关于领导力和培训的问题的方法是从民族志上观察教会中领导力所针对的人