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Turkey's Future State (of) Theatre
Theatre Research International ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-13 , DOI: 10.1017/s0307883319000348

With the inauguration of the presidential system in Turkey, theatre as an institution is at a historical crossroads. By 15 July 2018, just before the controversial emergency law was lifted, two decrees restricting the autonomy of artists working at state theatres, operas and ballets were issued. The first decree replaces a law from 1949 which secures autonomy over budgeting and programming.1 The second places all state theatres under direct control of the president. During the summer, the institutions were temporarily closed until they were harmonized with the new political system. With this structural change, a lengthier political process of shifting powers and centralization is being consolidated. But there has also been a more fundamental epistemological shift going on in Turkey's ideological consciousness, which is deeply rooted in a history of the public sector and of state institutionalism.



随着土耳其总统制的就职典礼,戏剧作为一个机构正处于历史的十字路口。到 2018 年 7 月 15 日,就在有争议的紧急状态法取消之前,颁布了两项限制在国家剧院、歌剧和芭蕾舞团工作的艺术家的自主权的法令。第一项法令取代了 1949 年的一项法律,该法律确保了预算和规划的自主权。1第二个将所有州剧院置于总统的直接控制之下。在夏季,这些机构暂时关闭,直到协调的随着新的政治制度。随着这种结构性的变化,一个更漫长的权力转移和集中化的政治过程正在巩固。但土耳其的意识形态意识也发生了更为根本的认识论转变,这种转变深深植根于公共部门和国家制度主义的历史。