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“We’re in for a future of provocateurs”: An Interview with David Yee on Asian Canadian Theatre
Theatre Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/tj.2020.0062
Sean Metzger , David Yee

In a New York Times article from May 21, 2020, poet and essayist Cathy Park Hong lamented the "nine productions of works by playwrights of Asian descent that were cut short or canceled in New York City because of Covid-19 "1 Of course, the pandemic resulted in cancelations or postponements of productions all over the world, including two major theatre conferences and festivals that would have centered Asian Canadian and Asian American performance: one to be hosted in Toronto and the other in Hawaii, respectively, during May and August 2020 Indeed, it would have been a banner season for performances that featured minor Asias! The following interview with David Yee, the artistic director of fu-GEN Theatre, tries to capture the energy and logic that animated this moment, now a pregnant pause, that challenges the demographics of theatrical production in the Great White North Fu-GEN is the longest-running professional Asian Canadian theatre company in Canada, and the first-ever International Conference and Festival on Asian Canadian Theatre, GENesis, took place under its auspices in 2010 Now closing the first decade of his leadership of fu-GEN, Yee has remained active as an actor and playwright in Toronto and elsewhere across and beyond Canada His plays have been produced on both sides of the US-Canada border;four of them-Acquiesce, paper SERIES, Lady in the Red Dress, and his Governor General Award-winning play Carried Away on the Crest of a Wave-have been published by Playwrights Canada Press © 2020 Johns Hopkins University Press All rights reserved


“我们渴望挑衅者的未来”:亚洲加拿大剧院专访David Yee

在2020年5月21日《纽约时报》的一篇文章中,诗人和散文家凯茜·帕克·洪(Cathy Park Hong)感叹“由于血缘差异19而在纽约市被删减或取消的亚裔血统剧作家的九种作品,“ 1当然,大流行导致世界各地演出的取消或推迟,其中包括以加拿大亚裔美国人和亚裔美国人的表演为中心的两次主要戏剧会议和节日:五月和八月分别在多伦多和夏威夷举行2020年的确,对于那些以未成年人为主题的表演来说,这将是一个标志性的赛季!接下来接受fu-GEN剧院艺术总监David Yee的采访,他试图捕捉到这一刻充满生气的能量和逻辑,现在已经是一个怀孕的停顿,