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Creole Drama: Theatre and Society in Antebellum New Orleans by Juliane Braun
Theatre Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/tj.2020.0020
Jason Fitzgerald , Sarah E. Chinn

Nuremberg, a documentary play by the East German playwright Rolf Schneider. In the East German production of his play, Schneider, like Brecht, found a way to satisfy SED censors while simultaneously allowing for a reading that criticized abuses of power. The production at the Burgtheater in Vienna, however, featured several changes that ultimately blunted its critical message for audiences. Nevertheless, because it provided a forum for victims and perpetrators to come together and share a meal and perform as equals (albeit outside the context of the play itself), the Austrian production made a convincing case for the importance of the theatre as an institution. This volume does the same.


克里奥尔语戏剧:新奥尔良战前的戏剧与社会朱利安·布劳恩(Juliane Braun)
