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‘In Search of Mammon’s Treasure Trove’: Hemendrakumar Roy’s Use of Travel in Children’s Adventure Literature
Studies in History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1177/2348448919876869
Rajashree Mazumder 1

Travel plays a critical role in twentieth-century Bengali adventure literature for adolescent males. Armchair journeys through the Empire and beyond let that audience discover the world: a panoply of high- to low-ranking cultures, utterly strange geographical spaces and, often, their ‘barbarous’, ‘uncivilized’ inhabitants. Exemplified by Hemendrakumar Roy’s works, the genre encourages boys to draw correlations between race, ethnicity and territory in a way that elevates Hindu elites within a civilizational hierarchy that borrows, but will not follow wholesale, the Western schema. The literary trope of travel imaginatively transports the colonized protagonists and audience across their country’s borders. Yet the destinations, distanced from their experience by perilous voyages, are clearly chosen to spark reflection on their own domestic spaces. The adventures, in turn, fuel their individual and, ideally, national self-transformation. For Roy’s travel narratives promote such changes by featuring Bengali heroes defeating horrific hazards with courage, strength, intelligence, self-sacrifice and perseverance—‘masculine’ qualities the author hopes a new generation will imbibe and use to serve the nation. Doing so, he also hopes, will disprove in reality what he demolished in writing: colonizers’ stereotype of Bengalis as effeminate cowards, and their dismissal of Indian culture as beneath their own.


“寻找Mammon的宝藏”:Hemendrakumar Roy在儿童冒险文学中对旅行的使用

在20世纪孟加拉男性冒险文学中,旅行起着至关重要的作用。扶手椅之旅穿越了帝国,甚至超越了帝国,让听众发现了这个世界:各种各样的高低级文化,完全陌生的地理空间,以及常常是“野蛮”,“未文明”的居民。以海曼德拉库玛·罗伊(Hemendrakumar Roy)的作品为例,这种流派鼓励男孩在种族,族裔和领土之间建立关联,以一种提升借鉴但不遵循西方模式的文明等级制中印度教精英的方式。充满旅行意味的文学名流将殖民主角和观众带到了他们的国家边界。然而,目的地显然远离危险的航程,因此显然是在其国内空间引发反思的。冒险反过来又助长了他们的个人,并且在理想情况下,助长了国家的自我改造。罗伊(Roy)的旅行叙事通过使孟加拉英雄以勇气,力量,智慧,自我牺牲和毅力来克服可怕的危险,从而促进了这种变化,作者希望新一代具有“男性”特质,并会为国家服务。他还希望这样做能在现实中反驳他以书面形式拆除的东西:殖民者对孟加拉人的刻板印象是卑鄙的co夫,以及他们对印度文化的不屑一顾。自我牺牲和毅力-“男性化”特质,作者希望新一代能够吸收并用于为国家服务。他还希望这样做能在现实中反驳他以书面形式拆除的东西:殖民者对孟加拉人的刻板印象是卑鄙的co夫,以及他们对印度文化的不屑一顾。自我牺牲和毅力-“男性化”特质,作者希望新一代能够吸收并用于为国家服务。他还希望这样做能在现实中反驳他以书面形式拆除的东西:殖民者对孟加拉人的刻板印象是卑鄙的co夫,以及他们对印度文化的不屑一顾。