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Book Review: Kate Ott, Christian Ethics for a Digital Society
Studies in Christian Ethics ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-15 , DOI: 10.1177/0953946819883780d
Antonin Ficatier 1

indeed to have an awareness of the inconsistencies in our own firmly held views. In ethical terms we certainly need to explore how best to create structures that encourage good behaviour. The power and agency of culture to shape and determine our characters should never be underestimated. Theological ethics in this respect should always be done within an inter-disciplinary framework that can hold the behavioural, the moral and the organisational. Miller is quite right to encourage the reader to explore how good action for the right reason can be virtuous, flourishing and life-giving. Miller manages the interrelationship between philosophical thesis and an empirical discourse with skill and care. What is shown in these chapters is that we need some space to be reflective about the nature of character and the ways in which we behave individually and corporately. We certainly need an opportunity to explore the messiness of human life and how all of us respond badly in both thought and talk. Above all we need to nurture community where we can explore our failures of both judgement and action. Far too many of us do not arrange our minds with sufficient imagination and compassion, taking refuge in self-interest, shortterm gain and the limitations of the local. Miller argues for a wider horizon, for a readiness to encounter the unexpected, and above all that we live within the virtuous reality of truth which can shape our character. Self-examination and the nurturing of a more holistic view of the world are challenges offered to us if we wish to live the good life. How all of this relates to justice and punishment, country and continents remains to be seen. Miller, however, provides a map of our journey into this territory.


