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Mass Migration, Crimmigration and Defiance
Southeastern Europe ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-14 , DOI: 10.1163/18763332-04103001
Neža Kogovšek Šalamon 1

The year 2015 saw an unprecedented number of refugees and migrants arriving to Europe through the “Western Balkans migration route”, where the states through which the route passed established the so-called “humanitarian corridor”. The operation of this corridor was outside the European normative framework and was treated by those states as a de facto undeclared “state of exception”. This situation, marked by an exceptionally intensive arrival of refugees and migrants en masse , was governed by ad hoc rules that were changing on a daily basis, creating an extremely unpredictable and uncertain situation for all stakeholders involved, in particular for the migrants and refugees themselves. This article discusses the crimmigration responses to mass migration management that are prevalent in contemporary law and politics, analyses the corridor within the current crimmigration context and demonstrates how the corridor defied the contemporary crimmigration approach to mass migration.



2015 年,通过“西巴尔干移民路线”抵达欧洲的难民和移民数量空前,该路线经过的国家建立了所谓的“人道主义走廊”。这条走廊的运作在欧洲规范框架之外,被这些国家视为事实上未宣布的“例外状态”。这种情况的特点是难民和移民大量涌入,受到每天都在变化的临时规则的约束,这对所有相关利益攸关方,尤其是移民和难民本身造成了极其不可预测和不确定的情况。 . 本文讨论了当代法律和政治中普遍存在的针对大规模移民管理的犯罪移民反应,