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Structural Change in the European Union and Its Periphery: Current Challenges for the Western Balkans
Southeastern Europe ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-26 , DOI: 10.1163/18763332-000011
Mirella Damiani 1 , Milica Uvalic 2

This paper analyses structural change in the European Union ( EU ) over the past two decades, with the aim of providing some guidelines for the Western Balkan ( WB ) countries. After recalling the main theories of structural change, the paper illustrates the general trend of decline in the relative shares of manufacturing output and employment in the old and the new EU member states, pointing to distinctive features of the East European countries. It proceeds to show how structural change in the WB countries has had additional characteristics, specific to the region. The WB countries have experienced a process of extreme de-industrialization that has reduced the contribution of manufacturing too quickly, to levels which are not consistent with their relatively low level of economic development. What is necessary is a strategy of re-industrialization of the WB economies that would strengthen their export capacity and facilitate more robust economic growth.



本文分析了欧盟 (EU) 过去二十年的结构变化,旨在为西巴尔干 (WB) 国家提供一些指导方针。回顾结构变迁的主要理论,本文阐述了欧盟新老成员国制造业产出和就业相对份额下降的总体趋势,指出东欧国家的鲜明特征。它继续展示世界银行国家的结构变化如何具有额外的特征,特定于该地区。世界银行国家经历了极端去工业化的过程,制造业的贡献过快地减少到与其相对较低的经济发展水平不一致的水平。