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Green Approaches to Enhancing Rural Communities in Romania: Case Studies from Maramureş and Sibiu Counties
Southeastern Europe ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-19 , DOI: 10.1163/18763332-000008
Francesca Regoli , Mária Vincze , Andrea Segrè , Matteo Vittuari

The concept of development evolves following the transformations and new challenges communities have to face. In this framework, in the past twenty years, development discourse has covered questions about the interrelations among its different dimensions (economic, human, social, environmental, institutional), about the transition from linear to circular models, and about the role (and importance) of endogenous resources. This evolution has increased the attention given to local development strategies and their role in the promotion of sustainability and socio-economic growth by recognizing and reorganizing local resources.This article grounds the concept of territorial capital to Maramures County (Romania) with the aim of understanding its role and of assessing its potential as a driving force to guide local communities in the exploitation of endogenous resources. Through a comparative analysis of the case studies of the Tâvarna Mare Natura 2000 site (Sibiu County) and Oas Gutai (Maramures County), the work also aims to provide general insights to inform local development policies.The research is based on multiple research methods including secondary data analysis, a survey, and a set of interviews with local stakeholders and rural development experts, and it is developed through a comparative analysis between the case studies.



发展的概念随着社区必须面对的转变和新挑战而演变。在这个框架下,在过去的 20 年里,发展话语涵盖了不同维度(经济、人类、社会、环境、制度)之间的相互关系、从线性模型到循环模型的转变以及作用(和重要性)的问题) 的内生资源。这种演变增加了对地方发展战略及其通过认可和重组当地资源在促进可持续性和社会经济增长方面的作用的关注。本文将领土资本的概念基于马拉穆列什县(罗马尼亚),目的是了解其作用并评估其作为指导当地社区开发内源性资源的驱动力的潜力。通过对 Tâvarna Mare Natura 2000 遗址(锡比乌县)和 Oas Gutai(马拉穆列斯县)的案例研究进行比较分析,该工作还旨在为当地发展政策提供一般性见解。该研究基于多种研究方法,包括二手数据分析、调查以及对当地利益相关者和农村发展专家的一系列访谈,它是通过案例研究之间的比较分析而制定的。