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Istanbul as a Space of Cultural Affinity for Syrian Refugees
Southeastern Europe ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-14 , DOI: 10.1163/18763332-04103003
Ayhan Kaya 1

The research question to be answered in this paper is to what extent Istanbul provides Syrian refugees with a feeling of security and safety despite the practical difficulties of everyday life such as working conditions, exclusion, xenophobia and exploitation. The main premise of the paper is that historical, cultural and religious forms of affinity are likely to particularly attach the Sunni Muslim Arab Syrians originating from Aleppo province to Istanbul. This paper is expected to contribute to the discipline of refugee studies by shedding light on the historical elements and agency that are often neglected in such analyses. Based on the findings of a qualitative and quantitative study conducted by the Support to Life Association among Syrian refugees in Istanbul in the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, this article aims to delineate the strong attachment of the Syrian refugees to the city of Istanbul.



本文要回答的研究问题是伊斯坦布尔在多大程度上为叙利亚难民提供了安全感,尽管日常生活中面临着工作条件、排斥、仇外心理和剥削等实际困难。该论文的主要前提是,历史、文化和宗教形式的亲和力可能特别将来自阿勒颇省的逊尼派穆斯林阿拉伯叙利亚人与伊斯坦布尔联系在一起。本文有望通过阐明在此类分析中经常被忽视的历史因素和机构,为难民研究学科做出贡献。根据支持生活协会在 2015 年最后一个季度和 2016 年第一季度对伊斯坦布尔的叙利亚难民进行的定性和定量研究的结果,