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The Security Sector Reform in Macedonia: An Externally Driven Process?
Southeastern Europe ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-21 , DOI: 10.1163/18763332-0401025
Teresa Maria Cierco 1

This article analyzes the conditions and challenges for security sector reform ( SSR ) in Macedonia since 2001. One of the main pressures that the Western community has been able to wield for reform and for post-conflict normalization in Macedonia has been the conditional offer of integration into key Western organizations – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and the European Union ( EU ). In the absence of a widespread domestic consensus, the sustainability of SSR relies on the leverage that NATO and the EU can bring to bear. But, with no date to begin negotiations with the EU , and with the Greek veto to Macedonia’s entrance into NATO , what will happen to SSR in the country? Moreover, how can local ownership of SSR be cultivated in Macedonia when the international community has played the lead role in initiating reform? Addressing SSR developments in Macedonia, this article surveys the challenges in two key component areas of the country’s security sector – armed forces and the police – arguing that, without a clear prospect of joining NATO or the EU in the near future, SSR in Macedonia is a serious compromise.



本文分析了自 2001 年以来马其顿安全部门改革 ( SSR ) 的条件和挑战。西方社区能够为马其顿的改革和冲突后正常化施加的主要压力之一是有条件的一体化提议进入主要的西方组织——北大西洋公约组织 (NATO) 和欧盟 (EU)。在缺乏广泛的国内共识的情况下,SSR 的可持续性取决于北约和欧盟可以发挥的影响力。但是,由于没有开始与欧盟谈判的日期,并且希腊否决马其顿加入北约,该国的 SSR 会发生什么?而且,在国际社会在改革中发挥主导作用的情况下,如何在马其顿培养当地的 SSR 自主权?针对马其顿的 SSR 发展,本文调查了该国安全部门的两个关键组成部分——武装部队和警察——面临的挑战,认为在不久的将来加入北约或欧盟的前景并不明确,马其顿的 SSR 是严重的妥协。