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Niṣkāmakarma and the Prisoner’s Dilemma
Sophia ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s11841-020-00780-x
Tommi Lehtonen

The Bhagavadgītā, part of the sixth book of the Hindu epic The Mahābhārata, offers a practical approach to mokṣa, or liberation, and freedom from saṃsāra, or the cycle of death and rebirth. According to the approach, known as karmayoga (‘the yoga of action’), salvation results from attention to duty and the recognition of past acts that inform the present and will direct the future. In the Bhagavadgītā, Kṛṣṇa advocates selfless action as the ideal path to realizing the truth about oneself as well as the ultimate reality. Kṛṣṇa proclaims that humans have rights only to actions and not to their results, whether good or bad (2.47). Therefore, humans should not desire any results whatsoever. The prisoner’s dilemma is a fictional story that shows why individuals who seek only their personal benefit meet worse outcomes than those possible by cooperating with others. The dilemma provides an effective, albeit often overlooked, method for studying the Hindu principle of niṣkāmakarma (‘desireless action’) that is arguably the central teaching of the Bhagavadgītā. In the context of the prisoner’s dilemma, a prisoner who wants to uphold niṣkāmakarma may choose one of two decision-making strategies: to be indifferent and leave the decision to chance or to either pursue the common good or the other person’s benefit instead of his or her own. Assuming that followers of niṣkāmakarma can be goal-oriented, the second strategy is more appropriate than the first, as long as one pursues unselfish goals and remains both indifferent and uncommitted to personal benefit.


Niṣkāmakarma 和囚徒困境

《博伽梵歌》是印度教史诗《摩诃婆罗多》第六卷的一部分,它提供了一种实用的方法来解脱或解脱,以及从轮回或生死轮回中解脱。根据这种被称为 karmayoga(“行动瑜伽”)的方法,救赎源于对责任的关注和对过去行为的认识,这些行为会影响现在并指导未来。在《薄伽梵歌》中,Kṛṣṇa 提倡无私的行动是实现关于自己的真相和究竟实相的理想途径。Kṛṣṇa 宣称人类只拥有行动的权利,而不管结果是好是坏(2.47)。因此,人类不应该渴望任何结果。囚徒困境是一个虚构的故事,它说明了为什么只寻求个人利益的人会遇到比与他人合作更糟糕的结果。这种困境为研究印度教的 niṣkāmakarma(“无欲的行为”)原则提供了一种有效的方法,尽管经常被忽视,这可以说是《博伽梵歌》的中心教义。在囚徒困境的背景下,想要坚持 niṣkāmakarma 的囚徒可能会选择两种决策策略之一:漠不关心,让决定任凭机会,或者追求共同利益或他人的利益,而不是他或她自己的。假设 niṣkāmakarma 的追随者可以以目标为导向,第二个策略比第一个更合适,