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Investing the Time: Group Differences in Cultural Capital Development Among U.S. Adolescents
Social Currents ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1177/2329496520925499
Karam Hwang 1

This study examines the extent of class and racial inequalities in cultural capital development among recent adolescent cohorts in the United States. Informed by several decades of cultural capital research, I compare participation in four dimensions of cultural capital proposed by prior scholarship—highbrow consumption, omnivorous consumption, technical capacity, and social competence—by using nationally representative time-diary data to test for group differences in time-use patterns. Time investment has been long theorized but seldom tested as the means through which individuals develop cultural capital. Activities associated with technical capacity appear to have the greatest potential as the bases for both class and racial exclusions, as group differences are evident in both the prevalence and duration of participation. Smaller race and class differences are evident for omnivorous consumption, and low participation in highbrow activities is evident across all groups. Distinct patterns of time-use among Asian American adolescents suggest they are simultaneously advantaged and disadvantaged in their cultural capital acquisition, speaking to debates regarding their relative status in the United States.


