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The Sociopolitical Context of Abortion Bill Authorship in Texas
Social Currents ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-21 , DOI: 10.1177/2329496520950789
Aubrey L. Jackson 1 , Alexis M. Kenney 2

This study examines abortion bills proposed in the Texas legislature between 1993 and 2015 to explore how legislators respond to the power resources of minorities versus the (supposed) threat that they pose and how these responses vary across partisan lines to hamper or further pro-life interests. To test competing hypotheses about the influences of women’s socioeconomic and political resources, and the representation of poor, Black, and Hispanic constituents, multilevel models analyze a key behavior that strategically demonstrates issue-positions, that is, authorship of abortion bills. The findings largely support power resources accounts but also detect minority threat processes, and they reveal that beyond mean differences in support for restrictions on legal abortions, Democrats and Republicans respond distinctly to their constituent contexts. This detailed look at an early stage of the legislative process in a major battleground state highlights the multifaceted nature of abortion politics and the importance of considering both partisan and minority interests, especially in the face of sociodemographic shifts within the state and beyond.



这项研究调查了1993年至2015年在德克萨斯州立法机关提出的堕胎法案,以探讨立法者如何应对少数群体的力量资源以及他们所构成的(假设的)威胁,以及这些应对措施如何在党派立场上有所不同,从而阻碍或进一步维护生命的利益。 。为了检验关于妇女的社会经济和政治资源的影响以及贫穷,黑人和西班牙裔成分的代表的相互竞争的假设,多级模型分析了一种关键行为,该行为从战略上证明了问题的立场,即堕胎法案的作者身份。这些发现在很大程度上支持了电力资源的核算,但也发现了少数群体的威胁过程,并且他们发现,在支持合法堕胎的限制方面,除平均差异外,民主党人和共和党人对他们的构成情况有明显的反应。
