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Students plans to obtain a license to carry on campus after the passage of Texas Senate Bill 11
Security Journal ( IF 1.701 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-07 , DOI: 10.1057/s41284-019-00219-0
Brooke Nodeland , Mark Saber , Lee DeBoer

This study examines factors predicting possession of a license to carry and plans to obtain a license to carry for the purpose of carrying a concealed handgun on campus after the passage of Texas Senate Bill 11 (SB11). Utilizing plans to obtain a license to carry we examine four models each with a more refined dependent variable to determine the factors specifically related to campus carry. The study uses a sample of university students at a midsize university in Texas to examine these relationships. Campus security concerns both before and after implementation of SB11 are discussed.


学生计划在德克萨斯州参议院第 11 号法案通过后获得在校园内携带的许可证

本研究调查了预测持有携带许可证的因素,并计划在德克萨斯州参议院第 11 号法案 (SB11) 通过后获得携带许可证以便在校园内携带隐藏式手枪。利用获得携带许可的计划,我们检查了四个模型,每个模型都有一个更精细的因变量,以确定与校园携带特别相关的因素。该研究使用德克萨斯州一所中等规模大学的大学生样本来检验这些关系。讨论了 SB11 实施前后的校园安全问题。