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Law enforcement corruption along the U.S. borders
Security Journal ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1057/s41284-019-00203-8
David Jancsics

The purpose of the study is to provide an empirical characterization of law enforcement corruption along the U.S. borders. Data were analyzed on 156 criminal cases of officers and agents employed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Results from the present work advance the understanding of the significantly under-studied topic of border law enforcement corruption in the U.S. context. The majority of the cases were related to organized crime activities. In terms of sex, age, and location, there were significant differences between CBP’s two main workforce components, corrupt customs officers, responsible for customs operations at the country’s official entry points, and border patrol agents, who patrol the border between ports of entry. Both types of employees working along the southern border of the U.S. with very short histories of service were more likely to be involved in drug-related corruption than their senior counterparts who were instead prone to immigration-related corruption.



该研究的目的是提供美国边境执法腐败的实证特征。对美国海关和边境保护局 (CBP) 雇用的官员和代理人的 156 起刑事案件的数据进行了分析。当前工作的结果促进了对美国背景下边境执法腐败这一研究显着不足的主题的理解。大多数案件与有组织的犯罪活动有关。在性别、年龄和地点方面,CBP 的两个主要劳动力组成部分之间存在显着差异,即负责该国官方入境点海关业务的腐败海关官员和在入境口岸之间巡逻的边境巡逻人员。在美国南部边境工作的两种类型的员工