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Isaiah 10:34 and the “Ambiguous Oracle” in Josephus, Bellum 6.312–313 (Part One)
Review of Rabbinic Judaism Pub Date : 2018-07-27 , DOI: 10.1163/15700704-12341341
Roger David Aus 1

One of the most disputed passages in Josephus is found only late in his account of the Jewish war against Rome, 66–70 CE . After relating numerous phenomena he considered portents of the destruction of Jerusalem with the Temple, he notes two oracles. The first, in Bell . 6.311, has never been traced back to a specific scriptural passage or Judaic tradition. The second, in 6.312–13, is the object of this study, in which I argue that Isa. 10:34 is the biblical verse behind the “ambiguous oracle.”


以赛亚书 10:34 和 Josephus 中的“模棱两可的神谕”,Bellum 6.312-313(第一部分)

约瑟夫斯最有争议的段落之一是在他对公元 66-70 年犹太人对罗马的战争的描述中才被发现的。在将许多他认为是耶路撒冷毁灭的预兆与圣殿联系起来之后,他注意到了两个神谕。第一个,在贝尔。6.311,从来没有追溯到特定的经文段落或犹太传统。第二个,在 6.312-13 中,是本研究的对象,我认为 Isa。10:34 是“模棱两可的神谕”背后的圣经经文。