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Litigating for Liberty: Enslaved Morisco Children in Sixteenth-Century Valladolid
Renaissance Quarterly ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-15 , DOI: 10.1086/695347
Stephanie M. Cavanaugh

Morisco children captured during the Granadan war of 1568–70, known as the Second War of the Alpujarras, could attain legal but limited freedom in accordance with Philip II’s 1572 law against the enslavement of Morisco minors. Those manumitted were meant to remain servants in Old Christian households until the age of majority. The Spanish monarchy recognized the political value of controlling children. Aiming to turn the children of Morisco rebels into proper Christian subjects, the king authorized and facilitated their liberation as part of a larger project of Morisco conversion. Granadan Moriscos worked within the law in pursuit of liberation, yet took action to reunite families separated by slavery and deportation when possible.


为自由而诉讼:16 世纪巴利亚多利德被奴役的摩里斯科儿童

根据菲利普二世 1572 年反对奴役摩里斯科未成年人的法律,在 1568-70 年的格拉纳达战争(被称为第二次阿尔普哈拉斯战争)期间俘虏的摩里斯科儿童可以获得合法但有限的自由。那些被奴役的人本应在旧基督教家庭中成为仆人,直到成年。西班牙君主制认识到控制儿童的政治价值。为了将摩里斯科叛军的孩子变成真正的基督教臣民,国王授权并促进了他们的解放,这是摩里斯科皈依更大项目的一部分。Granadan Moriscos 在法律范围内工作以追求解放,但在可能的情况下采取行动使因奴隶制和驱逐出境而分离的家庭团聚。