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The 2016 Josephine Waters Bennett Lecture: Humanism and Printing in the Work of Conrad Gessner
Renaissance Quarterly ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-03-09 , DOI: 10.1086/691829
Ann Blair

I discuss how printing affected the practice of scholarship by examining the working methods of Conrad Gessner (1516–65), a prolific humanist, bibliographer, and natural historian. Gessner supplemented his revenue as city physician in Zurich through his publishing activities. He hailed printing, along with libraries to preserve the books, as crucial to the successful transmission of learning to the distant future. Gessner also used printing as a kind of social media: to reach readers rapidly all over Europe, in order to solicit contributions to his research projects underway, to advertise forthcoming books, and to develop his own thinking through multiple iterations.


2016 年 Josephine Waters Bennett 讲座:Conrad Gessner 作品中的人文主义与印刷

我通过研究康拉德·格斯纳(Conrad Gessner,1516-65 年)的工作方法来讨论印刷如何影响学术实践,他是一位多产的人文主义者、书目学家和自然历史学家。格斯纳通过他的出版活动补充了他在苏黎世担任城市医生的收入。他称赞印刷术以及保存书籍的图书馆对于成功地将学习传播到遥远的未来至关重要。Gessner 还使用印刷作为一种社交媒体:迅速接触全欧洲的读者,为他正在进行的研究项目征求贡献,为即将出版的书籍做广告,并通过多次迭代发展自己的思想。