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The 2018 Josephine Waters Bennett Lecture: The Protestant Reformation through Arab Eyes, 1517–1698
Renaissance Quarterly ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-27 , DOI: 10.1017/rqx.2019.257
Nabil Matar

This essay examines what Arabs knew about Luther, Calvin, and the Protestant-Catholic conflict in the early modern period. While there have been studies of the nineteenth- and twentieth-century impact of Protestant missions on the Arab East, there has been no study of the Protestant movement and its confrontation with Catholicism and Orthodoxy in the period between 1517 and 1698. Although Protestantism failed in gaining converts, the rivalry between Protestant England and Catholic France in co-opting converts to their military and ideological camps resulted in religio-social fissures that would have a lasting impact on Christians and Christianity in the Middle East.


2018 年 Josephine Waters Bennett 讲座:阿拉伯人眼中的新教改革,1517-1698

本文考察了阿拉伯人对路德、加尔文和近代早期新教-天主教冲突的了解。虽然有研究过 19 世纪和 20 世纪新教传教对阿拉伯东部的影响,但没有研究过 1517 年至 1698 年期间的新教运动及其与天主教和东正教的对抗。尽管新教在在获得皈依者的同时,新教英国和天主教法国之间在将皈依者拉入他们的军事和意识形态阵营方面的竞争导致了宗教与社会的裂痕,这将对中东的基督徒和基督教产生持久的影响。