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Francisco de Vitoria and Alberico Gentili on the Juridical Status of Native American Polities
Renaissance Quarterly ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-27 , DOI: 10.1017/rqx.2019.255
Daragh Grant

Over the course of the sixteenth century, Europeans writing about the ius gentium went from treating indigenous American rulers as the juridical equals of Europe's princes to depicting them as little more than savage brutes, incapable of bearing dominium and ineligible for the protections of the law of peoples. This essay examines the writings of Francisco de Vitoria and Alberico Gentili to show how this transformation in European perceptions of Native Americans resulted from fundamental changes in European society. The emergence of a novel conception of sovereignty amid the upheavals of the Protestant Reformation was central to this shift and provided a new foundation for Europe's continued imperial expansion into the Americas.


弗朗西斯科·德·维多利亚(Francisco de Vitoria)和阿尔贝里科·真蒂利(Alberico Gentili)谈美洲原住民政体的法律地位

在 16 世纪的过程中,欧洲人撰写了关于万民法从将美国原住民统治者视为在法律上与欧洲诸侯平起平坐,转变为将他们描绘成野蛮的畜生,无法承受统治权并且没有资格获得万民法的保护。本文考察了弗朗西斯科·德·维多利亚和阿尔贝里科·真蒂利的著作,以展示欧洲对美洲原住民观念的这种转变是如何从欧洲社会的根本变化中产生的。在新教改革的剧变中出现了一种新的主​​权概念,这是这一转变的核心,并为欧洲继续向美洲扩张提供了新的基础。