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The Patronage Politics of Equestrian Ballet: Allegory, Allusion, and Satire in the Courts of Seventeenth-Century Italy and France
Renaissance Quarterly ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-15 , DOI: 10.1086/695350
Jessica Goethals

Equestrian ballet was a spectacular genre of musical theater popular in the Baroque court. A phenomenon with military roots, the ballet communicated both the might and grace of its organizers, who often played starring roles. This essay explores the ballet’s centrality by tracing the itinerant opera singer and writer Margherita Costa’s use of the genre as a means of securing elite patronage: from an elegant manuscript libretto presented to Grand Duke Ferdinando II de’ Medici and later revised in print for Cardinal Jules Mazarin in Paris, to occasional poetry written for the Barberini in Rome, and even burlesque caricatures.



马术芭蕾是巴洛克宫廷流行的一种壮观的音乐剧流派。作为一种具有军事根源的现象,芭蕾舞传达了组织者的力量和优雅,他们经常扮演主角。这篇文章通过追溯巡回歌剧歌手和作家玛格丽塔·科斯塔(Margherita Costa)使用该类型作为获得精英赞助的手段来探索芭蕾舞的中心地位:从提交给大公费迪南多二世·德·美第奇的优雅手稿剧本,后来为红衣主教朱尔斯修订印刷版巴黎的马萨林,偶尔为罗马的巴贝里尼写的诗歌,甚至滑稽漫画。