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ReadingUtopiain the Reformation of Punishment
Renaissance Quarterly ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.1017/rqx.2019.375
Matthew Ritger

Recent scholarship on the first English translation of Thomas More's “Utopia” has asked how its publication in the 1550s fits with the larger agenda of Protestant Reformers who promoted the book alongside their other civic projects. This article argues that the initiatives of greatest relevance were the new house of correction at Bridewell (est. 1553–57) and the infamous Vagrancy Act of 1547–49, which failed to introduce slavery as a punishment in English law. Evidence of user interactions with the 1550s editions, including indexing, annotation, commonplacing, and quotation, helps to analyze how the text's complicated ideas about penal labor were received and reemphasized by early English readers.



最近关于托马斯·莫尔的“乌托邦”第一部英文翻译的学术研究询问了它在 1550 年代的出版如何与新教改革者的更大议程相吻合,他们在其他公民项目中推广了这本书。本文认为,最相关的举措是布莱德维尔的新惩教所(约 1553-57 年)和臭名昭著的 1547-49 年流浪法案,该法案未能在英国法律中引入奴隶制作为惩罚。用户与 1550 年代版本交互的证据,包括索引、注释、普通化和引用,有助于分析文本中关于刑罚的复杂概念是如何被早期英语读者接受和重新强调的。