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The Reception of Annius of Viterbo’s Forgeries: TheAntiquitiesin Renaissance France
Renaissance Quarterly Pub Date : 2018-06-11 , DOI: 10.1086/698141
Marian Rothstein

Annius of Viterbo’s 1498 “Antiquitatum Variarum Volumina XVII” (“Antiquities”), created to enhance the reputation of his native Viterbo, was a collection of spurious texts and commentary attributed to early Near Eastern authors of whom only fragments survive. Quickly spotted as spuria, they nonetheless flourished in France. This essay traces the use of Annius’s forgeries by Jean Lemaire de Belges, for whose “Illustrations” they were seminal; mid-sixteenth-century historians followed Lemaire’s lead. The “Antiquities” captivated Guillaume Postel and Guy Le Fèvre de la Boderie. They supported a history grounded on chronology, etymology, and genealogy, becoming essential to proofs of the glory and antiquity of France.



维泰博的 Annius of Viterbo 1498 年的“Antiquitatum Variarum Voluma XVII”(“古物”)是为了提高他的家乡维泰博的声誉而创作的,是一组虚假的文本和评论,归因于早期的近东作家,其中只有残片幸存下来。他们很快就被发现是假的,但他们仍然在法国蓬勃发展。这篇文章追溯了 Jean Lemaire de Belges 对 Annius 赝品的使用,对他的“插图”来说,它们是开创性的;十六世纪中叶的历史学家追随勒梅尔的脚步。“古物”迷住了 Guillaume Postel 和 Guy Le Fèvre de la Boderie。他们支持以年表、词源和家谱为基础的历史,成为证明法国荣耀和古老的必要条件。