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Research & reports
Probation Journal ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-23 , DOI: 10.1177/0264550519844106
Steve Collett 1

This damning report of the failure of the government’s Transforming Rehabilitation initiative was published at the beginning of March 2019 and within a few days of the earlier publication by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation’s (HMIP) equally damning report on the performance of one organisation within the new post-reform probation arrangements – Dorset, Devon and Cornwall Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) (HMIP, 2018). The NAO has taken a close interest in the evolving fortunes of the Rehabilitation Revolution with two previous reports (NAO, 2016, 2017). The 2016 report identified what it referred to as understandable friction at working level that CRCs and the NPS would need to overcome. It also highlighted significant workload pressures and the knock-on effects in terms of restrictions on training and access to supervision. All these pressures were exacerbated by what the report referred to as severe inefficiency arising from the various ICT systems used (2016: 38). Particularly telling for the findings of this recent NAO publication was the lower volumes of cases than were predicted during the bidding process. The critical issues exposed in this 2018 report that grabbed the media headlines were the cost to the tax payer of £467 million in additional projected payments to the CRC above the terms of their original contracts, including minimum contract termination costs of £171 million and the failure of CRCs to reduce reoffending to the levels set by the Ministry of Justice. As the report outlines,



这份关于政府转型康复计划失败的诅咒报告于 2019 年 3 月初发布,几天之内,女王陛下缓刑监察局 (HMIP) 早前发布了一份关于新组织中一个组织绩效的同样诅咒的报告。改革后的缓刑安排——多塞特郡、德文郡和康沃尔社区康复公司 (CRC) (HMIP, 2018)。NAO 已经通过之前的两份报告(NAO,2016 年,2017 年)对康复革命不断演变的命运产生了浓厚的兴趣。2016 年的报告确定了 CRC 和 NPS 需要克服的工作层面上可以理解的摩擦。它还强调了巨大的工作量压力和在培训和获得监督方面的限制方面的连锁反应。所有这些压力都因报告中所使用的各种 ICT 系统导致的严重低效而加剧(2016 年:38)。NAO 近期发布的这份报告的调查结果特别说明问题的是,案件数量低于招标过程中的预测。这份 2018 年的报告中曝光的、占据媒体头条的关键问题是纳税人向 CRC 支付超出其原始合同条款的 4.67 亿英镑的额外费用,其中包括 1.71 亿英镑的最低合同终止费用和CRC 未能将再犯减少到司法部规定的水平。正如报告概述的那样,NAO 近期发布的这份报告的调查结果特别说明问题的是,案件数量低于招标过程中的预测。这份 2018 年的报告中曝光的、占据媒体头条的关键问题是纳税人在超出原始合同条款的基础上向 CRC 支付了 4.67 亿英镑的额外费用,其中包括 1.71 亿英镑的最低合同终止费用和CRC 未能将再犯减少到司法部规定的水平。正如报告概述的那样,NAO 近期发布的这份报告的调查结果特别说明问题的是,案件数量低于招标过程中的预测。这份 2018 年的报告中曝光的、占据媒体头条的关键问题是纳税人向 CRC 支付超出其原始合同条款的 4.67 亿英镑的额外费用,其中包括 1.71 亿英镑的最低合同终止费用和CRC 未能将再犯减少到司法部规定的水平。正如报告概述的那样,这份 2018 年的报告中曝光的、占据媒体头条的关键问题是纳税人向 CRC 支付超出其原始合同条款的 4.67 亿英镑的额外费用,其中包括 1.71 亿英镑的最低合同终止费用和CRC 未能将再犯减少到司法部规定的水平。正如报告概述的那样,这份 2018 年的报告中曝光的、占据媒体头条的关键问题是纳税人向 CRC 支付超出其原始合同条款的 4.67 亿英镑的额外费用,其中包括 1.71 亿英镑的最低合同终止费用和CRC 未能将再犯减少到司法部规定的水平。正如报告概述的那样,