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Applying the Dynamic-Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation in criminal justice interventions
Probation Journal ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1177/0264550519900236
Clark Michael Baim 1

This article describes how contemporary attachment theory can support accurate assessment and effective intervention in criminal justice contexts. I offer an introduction to Crittenden’s Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) of Attachment and Adaptation and explain why this well-evidenced model is especially relevant to criminal justice interventions. The DMM is a biopsychosocial model, informed by neurodevelopmental research, and as such it offers a developmental understanding of the wide range of adaptations used by people who are endangered or endangering to others. It is a strengths-based, non-labelling and non-pathologising model which conceptualises adaptations to danger as self-protective strategies that promote survival in their original context, but which may later lead to problematic, dangerous, or self-defeating behaviour.



本文描述了当代依恋理论如何支持刑事司法环境中的准确评估和有效干预。我介绍了克里滕登的依恋和适应动态成熟模型 (DMM),并解释了为什么这个证据充分的模型与刑事司法干预特别相关。DMM 是一种生物心理社会模型,受神经发育研究的启发,因此它提供了对濒危或危及他人的人们所使用的广泛适应的发展性理解。它是一种基于优势、非标签化和非病态化的模型,它将对危险的适应概念化为促进在原始环境中生存的自我保护策略,但随后可能会导致有问题、危险或自我挫败的行为。