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Academisation: Who now holds the key to the secret garden?
Power and Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-04 , DOI: 10.1177/1757743818764746
Qasir Shah 1

This article aims to demonstrate the hazards of an education system controlled by any one group – in this case, governments – by examining the recent drive for the academisation of English state schools. This article highlights the need for education’s independence from political control. The once ‘secret garden’ of the curriculum is now firmly in the government’s grasp. Academies were introduced in England in 2000 by the Labour government; originally called ‘city academies’, they were claimed to break the cycle of underperformance and the low expectations of failing inner-city schools. But they are now promoted as the only means of providing ‘outstanding’ education. The author argues that the current drive for academisation forms part of the market-oriented narrative which believes that market forces offer the best solution to all the needs of society. As well as delivering substantial changes in governance and accountability, academisation conceals a radical shift in education’s purpose, yet it is being pushed through without real debate. The academisation process offers an insight into how governments can, and do, use the state apparatus to ignore, subvert and diminish opposition. To highlight this, the author uses Steven Lukes’ conceptualisation of power: the public, the hidden and the invisible.



本文旨在通过研究英语公立学校的学术化近期动向,论证由任何一个团体(在本例中为政府)控制的教育系统的危害。本文强调了教育从政治控制中独立的必要性。课程的曾经的“秘密花园”现在已经牢牢掌握在政府手中。工党政府于2000年在英格兰引进了学院。最初被称为“城市学院”,但据说它们打破了绩效不佳和城市中心学校失败的低期望周期。但是现在,它们被推广为提供“杰出”教育的唯一手段。作者认为,当前的学术化动力构成了市场导向叙事的一部分,该叙事认为市场力量可以为社会的所有需求提供最佳解决方案。除了在治理和责任制方面做出重大改变外,学术化还掩盖了教育目的的根本转变,但它的推动却没有真正的辩论。学术化过程使人们能够洞悉政府如何以及能够利用国家机构来忽略,颠覆和减少反对派。为了强调这一点,作者使用了史蒂文·卢克斯(Steven Lukes)的权力概念:公众,隐藏的和看不见的。学术化过程使人们能够洞悉政府如何以及能够利用国家机构来忽略,颠覆和减少反对派。为了强调这一点,作者使用了史蒂文·卢克斯(Steven Lukes)的权力概念:公众,隐藏的和看不见的。学术化过程使人们能够洞悉政府如何以及能够利用国家机构来忽略,颠覆和减少反对派。为了强调这一点,作者使用了史蒂文·卢克斯(Steven Lukes)的权力概念:公众,隐藏的和看不见的。