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Uncertainty as Entrepreneurial Motivation: Tuche, karma and the Necessity of Action
Philosophy of Management ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s40926-019-00122-z
Nandita Roy

In theories which contribute to the understanding of uncertainty in entrepreneurial action, scholars have traditionally attributed a negative connotation to uncertainty. This paper seeks to posit an understanding of uncertainty derived from Greek and Indian philosophy, where action of the human agent is not deterred by uncertainty, and rather, occurs despite uncertainty. This idea may be beneficial in making future entrepreneurs less apprehensive about uncertainty, by helping them locate the lessons from philosophy. I look at existing ideas that explore uncertainty in entrepreneurial motivation, and present a multidisciplinary approach which sees uncertainty as a force that increases intent of action, rather than deterring it by drawing on the understanding of consequence and action in Aristotelean thought and Hindu philosophy, and extend the concepts of tuche and karma to posit a theoretical position which sees uncertainty as a factor that encourages entrepreneurial action and motivation. The understanding of uncertainty in management literature has been approached primarily from two disciplinary positions - economics and organisational theory. In economics, the classical understanding of uncertainty which commenced with Frank Knight’s Risk, Uncertainty and Profit (1921), was largely abandoned in later years for a more quantifiable approach of calculating risk. Uncertainty, characteristically nebulous and difficult to grapple with, is unquantifiable. It is defined, in fact, by Knight, as something which cannot be predicted and quantified. Thus, in academics, where almost all disciplines try to make sense of the way the world works, uncertainty has always been a problematic concept.



在有助于理解创业行动中的不确定性的理论中,学者们传统上将负面含义归于不确定性。本文试图对源自希腊和印度哲学的不确定性进行理解,在这些哲学中,人类行为体的行动不受不确定性的阻碍,而是在不确定性的情况下发生。通过帮助他们找到哲学的教训,这个想法可能有助于让未来的企业家对不确定性不那么担心。我着眼于探索创业动机不确定性的现有想法,并提出了一种多学科方法,将不确定性视为一种增加行动意图的力量,而不是通过借鉴亚里士多德思想和印度哲学中对后果和行动的理解来阻止它,并扩展 tuche 和 karma 的概念,以建立一个理论立场,将不确定性视为鼓励创业行动和动机的因素。管理文献中对不确定性的理解主要来自两个学科位置——经济学和组织理论。在经济学中,从 Frank Knight 的 Risk, Uncertainty and Profit (1921) 开始的对不确定性的经典理解,在后来的几年里基本上被放弃了,转而采用更可量化的风险计算方法。不确定性,特征是模糊且难以解决,是无法量化的。事实上,奈特将其定义为无法预测和量化的事物。因此,在几乎所有学科都试图理解世界运作方式的学术界,