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Theonomous Business Ethics
Philosophy of Management ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s40926-020-00143-z
Payman Tajalli

In this paper I engage the theonomous ethics of Paul Tillich to argue that morality is a matter of conviction and concern not determination of right or wrong, and moral imperative is not about doing what “right” is, rather it is the self-actualisation of individual through her intersubjective relationships. The motivational force behind self-actualisation stems from the strength of one’s hold on “ultimate concern”, and not the content of “ultimate concern” that maybe referred to by various names including God. The ultimacy and unconditionality of “ultimate concern” gives morality its religious character and imperativeness. The paper suggests that business should provide an environment in which individual’s moral motivational force can be strengthened through removal of the impediments that weaken one’s hold on “ultimate concern”.



在这篇论文中,我使用保罗·蒂利希 (Paul Tillich) 的神学伦理学来论证,道德是一种信念和关注的问题,而不是确定对错,道德义务不是做“正确”的事情,而是自我实现个体通过她的主体间关系。自我实现背后的动力来自于对“终极关怀”的把握的力量,而不是可能被包括上帝在内的各种名称所指代的“终极关怀”的内容。“终极关怀”的终极性和无条件性赋予了道德其宗教性质和必要性。该论文建议,企业应该提供一个环境,在这个环境中,可以通过消除削弱个人对“终极关怀”的控制的障碍来增强个人的道德动机。