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Mahatma Gandhi and the Crisis Conversion of a Nation
Pastoral Psychology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s11089-020-00911-8
Reggie Abraham

This article is written in honor of Lewis Rambo. It is as an expression of gratitude for his years of service to the field of pastoral theology and, at a more personal level, his many acts of kindness to me over the last few years. Inspired by Lewis Rambo’s Understanding Religious Conversion (1993), this article attempts to apply his idea of a “crisis conversion” to national and political crises in the history of India. Three moments of crisis are considered here. The first is related to the populist agitation for swaraj (self-rule) and the satyagraha (force of truth) movement. The second is the partition of British India into two new nations, India and Pakistan, that resulted in the displacement of millions of people. The third is a current and ongoing crisis, the advance of Hindutva—the fundamentalist Hindu state—and the abuse of minority religious groups. Mohandas K. Gandhi attempted to turn Indians away from the path of himsa (violence) and lead them to the path of ahimsa (non-violence). It is suggested here that Indian conversion to the way of Gandhi was sincere but incomplete, as evidenced by the events following partition as well as the current climate of religious intolerance. Indians need to periodically reconvert to the Gandhian path of ahimsa by responding to his call for acceptance and respect of “others.”



这篇文章是为了纪念刘易斯·兰博而写的。这是对他多年来在牧灵神学领域的服务表示感谢,在更个人的层面上,他在过去几年中对我的许多善举表示感谢。受刘易斯·兰博(Lewis Rambo)的《理解宗教皈依》(1993)的启发,本文试图将他的“危机皈依”思想应用于印度历史上的国家和政治危机。这里考虑了三个危机时刻。第一个与 swaraj(自治)和 satyagraha(真理力量)运动的民粹主义鼓动有关。第二个是英属印度分裂成两个新国家,印度和巴基斯坦,导致数百万人流离失所。第三是当前和持续的危机,印度教的进步——原教旨主义的印度教国家——以及对少数宗教团体的虐待。Mohandas K. Gandhi 试图让印度人远离 hissa(暴力)的道路,并引导他们走向 ahimsa(非暴力)的道路。这里建议印度人转向甘地的方式是真诚但不完整的,正如分裂后的事件以及当前的宗教不容忍气氛所证明的那样。印度人需要通过回应他对接受和尊重“他人”的呼吁,定期重新回归甘地主义的不死之道。分裂之后的事件以及当前的宗教不容忍气氛都证明了这一点。印度人需要通过回应他对接受和尊重“他人”的呼吁,定期重新回归甘地主义的不死之道。分裂之后的事件以及当前的宗教不容忍气氛都证明了这一点。印度人需要通过回应他对接受和尊重“他人”的呼吁,定期重新回归甘地主义的不死之道。